Tuesday, 1 November 2011

An update on HAUNTED magazine

Hello everyone!

Today, we were told some worrying news. HAUNTED magazine has been ripped off by another 'rival' company, and is now facing an uncertain future.

Issue 10 of HAUNTED which was published in October has sold the most it ever has, and got many great reviews, but now it looks like Issue 11 may not see the WHSmith shelves in December. This would be a shame as the magazine was about to get SO much better, and there was so much potential around.

The magazine offers a fresh and exciting view on the paranormal, and it's such a great magazine it would be a disappointment to see it go to waste.

Make sure you go over to HAUNTED's website, and subscribe, buy the magazine from WHSmith and what ever else you can do to help!

We owe a lot to HAUNTED magazine, it got us published and out in the public. It would be sad to see it end so soon.

Buy HAUNTED Magazine


Make sure you go out to your local WHSmith (if from UK) and buy HAUNTED magazine! The best magazine for your paranormal needs!

We also write a feature, too. :)