Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year! 2011 for us..

Hello all!

Well, 2011 has been an amazing year for us in so many different ways. When we started our series, we never expected half of the stuff to actually happen for us - it was all just something we dreamed would happen. It's been pretty exciting, unbelievable and we have been extremely lucky and privileged. 

We'd like to start by saying thank you. Thank you to anyone who has watched any of our episodes this year. Thank you to anyone who has picked up HAUNTED magazine and read our features. Thank you to anyone who has visited this site and read the articles, including this one. Thank you to people who have shown interest in what we do, and have asked us questions. Thank you to people who have guided us along the way and given us major confidence boosts. Thank you to everyone who has liked us on Facebook, followed us on twitter, subscribed to us on YouTube. Anything; we are extremely grateful! 

A great thing we have done this year is write for HAUNTED magazine. As the issues went on, people came and went, but we stayed to write about our investigations. We cannot thank Paul enough for keeping us in his magazine for a year! We'd also like to thank Paul for all his advice he gave us this year. 

Another great thing we did was do a radio interview with Newport City Radio's The Mainstream Mix Up. Whether you listened or not, it was great for us to experience! We always wanted to do a radio interview about our series, and now we finally have. It was great to have people asking us about what we do. We felt like we were really getting somewhere. 

We have also finished Series 1! We finished it late 2011, and uploaded the final part only yesterday which you can check out on our YouTube. We started it in May 2010, and uploaded our first episode on the 9th August. We finally finished the series a year and a half later. It feels amazing to have finished a series, but not sad. We have already started planning Series 2, and we hope it will be bigger and better than series 1! It will be here before you know it, don't be too sad ;)

2011 has actually been amazing for the two of us. We've made friends and we've made progress. With 2012 only a day away, we hope it will be the same for us, maybe slightly better. We will be launching 'Jack and Laura: The Magazine' this year, as well as a few other projects. We'll be hoping to get Series 2 ready, too! 

We hope you have an amazing New Year, and we hope you stay with us on our journey! 

LIKE us on Facebook for all the latest news:
Follow us on Twitter for the same:
Subscribe and watch our episodes on our YouTube:

Monday, 5 December 2011

Jack and Laura on The Mainstream Mix Up - THIS WEDNESDAY

Hey guys! We have some exciting news!

The two of us will be on radio station The Mainstream Mix Up this Wednesday from 5-7!

We will be discussing our ghost series and the paranormal experiences we have had.

We'd love for you to tune in and take a listen! Go and check out their website here, and get ready to listen on Wednesday!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

An update on HAUNTED magazine

Hello everyone!

Today, we were told some worrying news. HAUNTED magazine has been ripped off by another 'rival' company, and is now facing an uncertain future.

Issue 10 of HAUNTED which was published in October has sold the most it ever has, and got many great reviews, but now it looks like Issue 11 may not see the WHSmith shelves in December. This would be a shame as the magazine was about to get SO much better, and there was so much potential around.

The magazine offers a fresh and exciting view on the paranormal, and it's such a great magazine it would be a disappointment to see it go to waste.

Make sure you go over to HAUNTED's website, and subscribe, buy the magazine from WHSmith and what ever else you can do to help!

We owe a lot to HAUNTED magazine, it got us published and out in the public. It would be sad to see it end so soon.

Buy HAUNTED Magazine


Make sure you go out to your local WHSmith (if from UK) and buy HAUNTED magazine! The best magazine for your paranormal needs!

We also write a feature, too. :)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Episode 7 - Will Laura Be Back?

Seems like Laura enjoyed filming Episode 7 so much, she wanted to go back!

And, of course, she needed to find a way to express that!

There's a photo of Laura holding up a grave stone saying she will be back...

Spooky, Laura!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Episode 7 Update? Why not.

We recently started editing Episode 7 which is the last episode in the series.

So far, we are happy with what we've edited together, and judging by all the other clips we have got, it's an episode we are excited for people to see!

The opening credits are on the way! Get ready for the episode in November!

Monday, 17 October 2011

It's not ghosts you need to fear...

Maybe someone should have told Jack that ghosts aren't the only things to fear when filming at the new location...

Here he is coming face to face with a SPIDER!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Laura films the grounds

Laura films the grounds of the next location. Doesn't she look happy? :)

Episode 7 Update

Yesterday, we finished filming at our last location of the series!

What a good way to end! We got some great things on film and we can't wait for you all to see it!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

We're filming the last Episode!

Today, we started to film the last episode of our series!

It's going good! We can't wait for you all to see this episode!

Here we are on location!

Saturday, 17 September 2011


The front cover of HAUNTED magazine has been revealed!

The 10th issue goes on sale in October, and features your two favourite teen ghost hunters Jack and Laura!

Last issue, Jack and Laura shared a magazine with Derek Acorah, one of the most famous psychic mediums to date. This issue, they share the magazine with Warwick Davis who plays Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter films!

Also, Jack and Laura get ready to launch their own magazine with this October issue! It's one you do not want to miss!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Series 2!

Series 1 has been amazing to film and it's almost the end! We still have a few more Parts of Episode 6 to film and we have to film Episode 7!

But we're still looking for new locations for Series 2, and last night we found some great ones which could possibly be in the next series! (We're certain they'll be in other series anyway!)

We want to make Series 2 bigger and better than Series 1 and that's what we aim to do!

Who's excited?! We are!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, 26 August 2011


Exciting news!

We hope you've all enjoyed our day time investigation of Episode 6!

Who wants Part 3?!

Well, you don't have to wait too long! It's on it's way later today!

Hope you enjoy the scary night time investigation!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, 19 August 2011

Laura Reads Her Feature In Haunted!

Here is Laura reading her feature in HAUNTED magazine! She loves it!

Episode 6 - The Scariest Episode yet?

We're almost coming to an end of Series one now, and we've had a great time!

Especially with our latest episode!

Episode 6 is filmed at Pontypool Park and it could be our scariest episode yet! So many freaky things went on that night!

We can't say much though. You'll have to watch the episode!

We've just uploaded Part 2!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Episode 6 Preview

We recently filmed the night investigation for Episode 6 at Pontypool Park! We still have a day investigation to film before we upload this episode, but it's one you don't want to miss!

Our night investigation went successfully well, and we had some very scary moments and very interesting experiences.

So to help get people excited for this episode we're going to release two Preview's and the opening credits!

So enjoy the first preview!

Our 'scariest episode yet'!

Sunday, 12 June 2011


Here is a poster for HAUNTED TV - COMING SOON!

We can't say TOO much just yet, but we are so excited for this TV channel to launch! It's going to be a good one and not one to be missed!!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011


We are so excited! We feel like Rebecca Black on a Friday!

But enough about that amazing song....

We are talking about many different things at the moment. We are allowed to say, but we don't want to say anything just yet until everything is finalised!

Episode 5, Part 4 is being edited soon and Episode 5 filming begins soon!

And don't forget that HAUNTED magazine is out soon! Our third feature in the magazine!

Get ready for it!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Tintern Abbey Opening Credits!

Here is our Opening Credits to Tintern Abbey!

We enjoyed this location, and we are currently editing it! Already, we have some great stuff!

We can not wait for you to see the new episode - episode 5 - it's a good one! It's very nerve wracking, edge of your seat stuff!

Part 1 will be online very soon!


Saturday, 22 January 2011

The Station Hotel & Tintern Abbey

Hey guys!

So me and Laura were going on a event with Dead Haunted in February. We were supposed to be going to The Station Hotel - if anyone's seen the Most Haunted episode, it looks very spooky!

Instead of going in February, we are now going in April.

We have just finished Episode 5 - and our next episode is being filmed in April, too.

Episode 5 at Tintern Abbey will be up in February. That means that in March, there will probably be no more episodes until April.

But between that, we will be filming our short film for Halloween, releasing stills, etc. And we will also be writing for Haunted magazine, so it won't be a quiet month for us! ;)

Wednesday, 19 January 2011